King's Rifle Policies and Governance
Find in this section of the website access to our Club's governance, policies, and procedures for your perusal.
Policies and Governance
Range Safety Rules
A document containing our Range Safety Rules. All members must know and abide by these as a term of your membership. Printed copies are given to members upon joining and are posted in our Strand Range.
Club Rules
A document containing our Club Rules. All members must know and abide by these as a term of your membership. Printed copies are given to members upon joining and are posted in our Strand Range.
Strand Range and Activity Risk Assessment
A copy of our current risk assessment for the Strand Range. All full members and range officers of King's Rifle must download and read this document prior to running training sessions at King's College London Rifle Club. A printed copy is available in the Strand Range.
As a target sports club affiliated with the National Smallbore Rifle Association (NSRA) and the National Rifle Association (NRA), our Governing Bodies, our club and its members are bound to abide by their policies on range safety, training, disciplinary, transgenderism in sport, child and vulnerable adult protection, and competition rules. You can find details of their policies on their respective websites.
As a Home Office Approved Firearms Club we must adhere to the Home Office's Published Guidance, which you can find a copy of here.